I know everyone thinks their own kids are pretty cute, but come on! Sometimes they really do take my breath away!
Ellie informed John and I that Santa's eyebrows were a different color then his beard.She concluded that this was definitely not Santa and that his beard was also fake.For a true believer she sure is getting critical. I love that we still have the magic in the air.We will keep it there as long as we can!!
This little hope skip and a jump says it all.She is literally leaping into Santa's arms.Paige would have walked right out the door with this guy. She told Ellie that he certainly was real but by the end of the night she was telling everyone that he was not the really real Santa just one of his helpers.Oh, the influence of an older sister!
I think Santa had to finally lift her down. She wasn't going anywhere!!
Emma thought she was a movie star. I'm not so sure if it was Santa that she loved or all the cameras and people smiling at her. She was smiling and waiving her hands at everyone. The fact that she was sitting on a strange mans lap with a huge white beard didn't even faze her!!
So cute! Merry Christmas, you guys!
Too cute, you've got a few movie stars in the fam don't you!
Yes, cute kids! Merry Christmas Thompsons!
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