Every year the swing set does not disappoint. The girls started calling the back yard, "Nana's Park!"

We took a trip to Famous Yellowstone's Bear world and it was a really cool. Here are you instructions: Keep the windows rolled up and your car moving. Have fun!! To have bears roaming right by your car is an amazing experience. The girls loved that we let them out of their seat belts. We saw a lot of neat animals but the bear is a truly magnificent animal. You just want to give it a big squeeze!! They had a little nursery with cubs and it was adorable. They were so playful and unaware of what a powerful creature that would one day become. They also had a darling petting zoo and small park with rides. It was a really fun day. Thank-you Papa and Nana for taking us!! My computer is being stubborn. I wish I could load more pictures. You will have to use your imagination on the rest!

We roasted marshmallow's in the back yard a few time. I love those cool summer evenings in Idaho. I loved lying on a blanket in the cool grass and smelling the smoke from fire. The girls were barefoot almost the whole time we were there. There is something about running free and barefoot on those long summer days.

Alain has been nominated in my book for Papa of the year. He had all the girls out in the shop working on project after project. What patience he must have had. They made Nana a bench!! A beautiful Log bench!! He made wooden swords for the girls and they started helping with the huge project of the enormous doll house pictured above. He has the Shop of all shops!! What a talent to build and create wonderful things! They loved their time with Papa!
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