Well, tomorrow is December 1st. Before I get caught up in the craziness of the season, I wanted to take a few minutes to write some of my thoughts about what makes me truly happy. I feel very shallow sometimes when I think about all the things I would love to have. Or, I feel sad when I cant give the gifts that I believe people really deserve. Paige came up to John and I the other day and said, "Christmas is not just about presents, it's about loving your family and thinking of baby Jesus!" We were a little surprised to hear this perspective from Paige as she is the one frequently shouting out her Christmas list! She said that Ellie had taught her that! Wow, I guess Ellie really was listening when we tried to take advantage of those teaching moments. I can just see Ellie say, "Paige, it's not just all about the presents!" Elle is just so mature these days!!:) We hope as parents that our children are absorbing those things that we are trying to teach them that are most precious.
I love this Norman Rockwell picture. It made me think about how good it feels to be surrounded by the people that we love. I have a soft spot for homecomings and rarely leave the airport without a tear in my eye. I love to see people being reunited and it always makes me emotional. Maybe its a little strange, but it makes me happy! Nothing more happy then when it is my own family I am being reunited with. Right now I miss all my family who is spread out all over this beautiful country. I know there is nothing more important then the people that make our lives complete. That is what my family does for me. Although we are all spread apart, I feel of their love. Can you tell I'm missing you Mom. Sniff Sniff!! :) May we never lose sight of what is most important!
Sniffs right back at you.... you are such a good mom for teaching you children so many truths. Sometimes they "get it" more than we do. Good thing for telephones, skype, email and blogs to help us stay close. Happy December!
Oh Ang your heart is so big! I miss you tons, andd yes when it comes down to it...family is the best. Love you
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